Category: News

Gender Gap in Employment and Salary In EU

In recent year’s world has been hit by major economic crisis which has been termed as Recession. The great economic slowdown which started in US in 2007 also affected several other countries. European Union was also affected. Some of the countries of European Union also saw a second phase of recession. Due to the global crisis many people lost their jobs during this period. In many places salaries were slashed. Although the recession is over it is warned that the crisis still continues. The Euro-zone GDP is 3% below that in year 2007/2008. The Greek economy has decreased by 23%, Ireland by 8%, Portugal by 8%, Spain by 8% and Italy by 9%. The unemployment rate in Euro-zone is 12%. The unemployment rate in different nations of European Union is Greece 28%, Ireland 14%, Portugal 17%, Spain 26% and Italy 14%. The percentage of youth who are unemployed is also ...