How to React to Reviews and Feedback on internet

What are reviews and why do we need them?

Reviews are specific information or detailed evaluation of outcomes like a product, services, or an event.


Why are reviews so important for us and beneficial for the business? 

Let’s be perfectly honest at first sight; we don’t really like surprises regarding products, restaurants, accommodations, or holidays. Clarity leads to openness, surrender, and peace in our minds. There are endless links for reviews with ratings, for example,  , IMDb: Movies & TV Shows, Goodreads: Book Reviews, , www.Food&, or

There are numerous review sites, which are kind of a big deal these days. And we definitely want to be sure about our selections. Restaurants, gym classes, movies, theater play, musical performance, workshops or language talks groups. It’s beneficial that somebody had that experience earlier than us that we can decide more accurately. Why do we want to be sure about everything before we really try it? Because we like comfort. We even pretend entire responsibility for our families, friends, coworkers in a way to make them happy.

But how could we expect that somebody’s personal choice of  flat, studio or house would be an accurate choice for us? Why do we have to follow somebody’s patterns and ask about all available information? Because, luckily for us, all these beneficial sources of data we can easily find on sites of all social media, news, magazines or TV.


Where is the place for a real surprise moment when you find yourself in an unfitting yoga or holistic workshop? These surprises, we can eliminate in minutes or hours. But, what about some stressful holiday experience with horrendous accommodation in a foreign country? I remember the story of my friend, who found a scorpion at the backside of the closet in a hotel room. You can be sure that a good review about that hotel in Thailand, practically, didn’t help. 

Another one is a really personal and fascinating story, when my dear friend, a lady, booked a chalet, which was built on the wooden pillars in the wild animal’s reservation in Africa. The first night a lion was desperately flighting with three hyenas for three hours under her bathroom floor. After that incident, she wanted to be sure to have all the mobile numbers of all responsible people in this spectacular hotel complex.

 I am sure that all of you are also having a remarkable story to share.

We all have a personal level of worthiness, which reflects our priorities and mental happiness. We can see it as a learning process or new knowledge on how to use these reviews to our benefits. 

But there is a massive gap between people’s expectations. Some of them want to have their own involvement and experience. Another group wants to be sure about every detail in their new experience. And that’s the beauty of our life, because we have an alternative that depends on us. Let’s use it entirely.

What about the negative outcome of bad reviews? Do we notice their powerful impact on our offered service or product? Could we pretend that we don’t know about their censoring appearance? No, we couldn’t. We have to save a respectable reputation of our business.

Feedbacks can be really “colorful” sometimes

As a provider of services or products, you can easily get defensive, or try to ignore bad reviews. Certain negative reviews can pull you into nonsense online confrontations with customers. In such cases, the best thing is to stay calm and try to sophistically combat those reviews with professionalism and perfection.

Fortunately, you can find now plenty of information on how to promptly to react or apologize.

They should be personal and authentic if they want to encourage a future positive image of their business with flying colors.

Currently, there is a big problem with delayed or canceled flights all over the world. Airlines have to deal with this issue quickly. There is a very helpful site , where people feel more accepted for their real and worrying flight experiences. They have to know their rights.

With open public dialogue and an apology regarding a particular complaint, you can move swiftly to the next level of communication with your customer and create a new business opportunity. You never know who is going to be your repeat customer or residential fan.

If you have an open mind, then, all these negative reviews are not the end of the world. They can help you look at your current business from a different angle and thus to keep your business beneficially vibrant and up today.

Fix what is broken and move on!

Another essential part of your business is a final evaluation of this situation. Did you focus on a local residential business solution or a global one? Instead, be sure and answer this question correctly, because now your business is getting a real challenge.