Review: Jobscan, What It Is and Why You Should Be Using It


If you have applied for a job in the last five years, your resume may have been rejected without a human being even laying eyes on it. Instead, an applicant screening program may have falsely deemed your resume unworthy of reaching the next stage in the process, where recruiters or employers read over the accepted resumes.

In fact, there over 300 applicant tracking systems (ATS) on the market today. Commonly used by most major corporations and recruitment agencies, these programs may be blocking the path to your dream job.


That’s where Jobscan comes in. It helps you shape your resume to pass through these systems, greatly increasing your chances of getting an interview.

What is Jobscan?

Jobscan is an online tool that analyses your resume and lets you see if it will pass through an ATS for a particular job posting. In other words, it tells you how tailored your resume is for the job.

All you need to do is simply upload a copy of your resume, copy and paste the text from the job posting, and click scan. In a matter of seconds, Jobscan gives you a ‘match rate’ in the form of a percentage score. It also gives you a series of tips on how to hone your resume for a higher score. They recommend an 80% score or higher before you apply for the job.

Jobscan’s software is constantly updated to reflect changes in the most popular ATS systems in use.


How can Jobscan help you improve your resume?

Let’s say you are applying for a job as a software engineer. You go to Jobscan, upload your resume and the job posting, and you receive a match rate of 57%. What happens next?

Well, the software will give you a breakdown of the results, explaining why you got that score. It crosschecks four components: hard skills, education, soft skills, and keywords.

First, it will show you a chart listing the hard skills mentioned in the job description and highlight which ones you have included on your resume. If they’re not on your resume – or if they’re explained in a different way – it’s time to add them if you can. For instance, maybe you forgot to mention your mastery of Java or MySQL.

Jobscan will give you similar feedback on education, soft skills, and keywords. It will let you know if the job requires or prefers educational qualifications not listed on your resume. It will display soft skills included in the job posting, and suggest that you add them. In the same way, it will list keywords in the job posting by frequency, and compare your use of those or similar keywords.

It is important to note that ATS does not recognise word forms as being related. That is, to ATS, achieve and achieved are different things altogether, as are program and programs. Making sure that keywords match could prove to be the difference between passing or failing an ATS scan.

Jobscan will also offer other advice. It may suggest raising or lowering the word count, adding more measurable results, or changing your previous job titles so they match keywords precisely.

After you have updated your resume, simply upload it again for a new match score.



You can get five scans per month for free – all you need to do is register your email address. Jobscan also offers an additional 10 scans for each friend you invite who signs up (max. ten friends). Alternatively, you can opt for one month’s unlimited scans with additional features for free, with the next three months for a total cost of $89.99. Thereafter, the monthly fee for unlimited scans and further features is $49.99.

Using Jobscan does not guarantee that you will get through to an interview. But it will help you shape your resume so that it better fits the job description, which will certainly increase your chances. What’s more, it’s free to try! So, what are you waiting for? Visit Jobscan and see how it can help you today!


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