Category: Law

Pension Rights in Europe

If you are a resident of a European country, then you also have the right to stay or live in any other EU countries. This article talks about where to pay taxes, especially when pensions from any other country do to affect your benefits. Here are some of the pension rights through each of them: Apply pension authority through where you are live or have worked last. In case you never worked in a European country or several European countries where you might have also lived and worked. If you have never worked in a country where you lived, the host country will be forwarding the claims to the ones you worked in. (more…)

A Guide on Starting and Running your E-commerce Business

  It is the way you plan and do your research about the e-commerce domain, which makes you to start off your business in a well-sketched way. So know the rules of the game, before you plunge into it With the online business domain becoming the hotspot of many business merchants, doing business online has become every second’s merchant wish it seems! E-business has taken the world by storm and under its umbrella e-commerce is gaining pace in terms of soaring in popularity among the people who want to earn online, make the best of business opportunities and much more. Starting a business, mainly in the e-commerce sector does not only require your whim, finance and other resources, you will have to act ethically, so that the future path that you pave for your business is a smooth one. How to start an ecommerce? With these changes in mind if ...