Pension Rights in Europe

If you are a resident of a European country, then you also have the right to stay or live in any other EU countries. This article talks about where to pay taxes, especially when pensions from any other country do to affect your benefits. Here are some of the pension rights through each of them:

Apply pension authority through where you are live or have worked last. In case you never worked in a European country or several European countries where you might have also lived and worked. If you have never worked in a country where you lived, the host country will be forwarding the claims to the ones you worked in.


The following country is held responsible for processing the claims and bringing in together some of the records of your contribution from all the countries that you have worked in. In certain countries the pension authority will send you the application form of pension. This will be sent before you reach the retirement age of the country. If you have not received it, then you must check with your pension authority in order to see if they will be sending it to you automatically. You must ask for information on how to get your pensions for at least 6 months in advance to your retirement that will help you draw a pension through many countries for a long procedure.

If a certain European country, you will have to wait longer in order to start receiving pensions than that of other countries. Documentation you would require is your ID card and bank details. You must be able to find out in advance throughout all the countries that you have worked for and the situation you will be in case you changed the date on which you start receiving the pensions. Once you take one pension earlier that the other, then that might affect the date through which you start receiving your pension. You could also get advice from important authorities in the countries you have lived and worked before in EU. There are different systems and retirement ages and the system of pension in various different European countries.

International supplementary pension include pension on retirement, survivor’s or invalid pension schemes that were made to replace state pensions. Once you have left the supplementary pension scheme while you will have to move to any other country in Europe for work, you are entitled to similar rights like people staying in similar country. If you are signing the supplementary pension scheme due to the reason that you have moved to some other EU countries, you must check in advance about moving, and living abroad and how they just might affect your pension rights. If there is any other effect, then it is known as illegal.

Pension companies may penalise people who moved abroad through non-payment of pensions or charging additional cost or also requires them to return all the interest earned through the period of savings. If you have moved to a country of a residence, they might require from you the payment of taxes and rebates. This procedure is illegal as supplementary pension will benefit through the similar tax treatment.