Category: Psychology

How to overcome performance anxiety: a 5-step guide

Have you ever heard that joke that many people would rather be in their own coffins at a funeral than give a eulogy? While this may be a bit of an exaggeration, it would not be an overstatement to say that most people would agree. Heart racing, sweaty palms, dry mouth, shaking knees. You know that gut-wrenching feeling you get. Most of us feel a certain degree of anxiety when preparing to speak up in front of a group, whether it is six people or thousands, whether it is a presentation, a group interview, an oral exam or a meeting in the office. Performance anxiety, often called stage fright, is all in your head, but manifests itself in the physical sense. When you feel that all eyes are on you, your self-awareness makes it nearly impossible to focus on what is really going on around you. Your mind goes foggy and ...

How to overcome procrastination and stop putting things off

The Ogre of Procrastination is one of the largest enemies of success, productivity and efficiency. No matter how well-organized, punctual and committed we are, at some point or another, all of us get stuck in the procrastination cycle. Procrastination is not laziness. It is more a lack of focus, mixed with priority confusion and complicated task anxiety. When we procrastinate, we put off important tasks we should be doing until it is late. Putting them off does not make them go away, though. Inevitably, when it is actually too late, we panic, realize that we wasted so much time that we should have been spending on important projects, and wish we got started earlier. There is nothing more frustrating than ending a work day realizing that you have wasted your time in useless activities, without accomplishing a single important task. Time wasted is never regained. It is lost forever and will never return. Why ...

Can Working from Home Increase your Productivity?

Getting on with your job should not be a constant battle but in many workplaces, it feels like the case. With everything from political discussion to discussions about weekend escapades getting in the way of real work, perhaps working remotely is a better option. Working from home allows people to get away from all these distractions, so they can get on with their actual job. It’s even becoming a lot more common. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting in 2015 that 24 percent of employed people did some, or all, of their work at home. This even includes traditionally office-based jobs such as those in management, business and financial operations, as 38 percent of people in these occupations did all, or some, of their work from home, too. How Working From Home Can Raise Your Productivity One positive of working remotely is the chance to work in environments that are a little ...

6 Skills Every Teacher Needs

What are the key teaching skills every educator should possess

Become a Decision Maker

How to improve decision making skills

How to Overcome Anxiety in Business – Become your Anxiety Manager

Suggestions about how to deal with Stress and overcome Anxiety in business