How to use Facebook Workplace

Have you heard about Workplace by Facebook?

Facebook workplaceIf you are a techie and you would like to stay updated with the latest inventions then you’ve probably heard about this platform.
Launched around one year ago, Facebook Workplace is becoming quite popular amongst organizations operating across the globe and many of them are using Workplace as their collaboration tool for their internal teams.

Before we delve further into this, let’s have a brief look at what Workplace by Facebook could do for you.

As we know it, Facebook is the world’s most popular social media platform available today.
Like other social networking websites, Facebook allows users to register for free, create profiles, upload updates and keep in touch with friends.
Over the past few years, Facebook has become an important part of many human lives.
Workplace is Facebook’s version that focuses on business only and it crafts a cooperative environment with functions similar to Facebook’s consumer version.

Profiles, friends, groups, news feeds and other exciting features are all there, but it can be only seen by people who have the email domain name of their respective businesses.
This then leads to the question, is there no chance of your personal and professional profiles in Facebook collaborating together?
Unfortunately, the standard Facebook profile is absolutely separate from the Workplace profile.
When you register with Workplace, it will ask for the name of other users with whom you want to pair up with so be sure that your personal Facebook profile will remain personal while you log in to your Workplace account.
There are two levels available in Workplace. One is Premium and the other is Standard. The latter is a free offering that lacks many of the customization features that Premium holds.
Some of the features of Premium are integration access and features of other enterprise levels such as IT monitor tools, APIs and sign on.

How to use Facebook Workplace?

The platform is designed in such a simple way which makes it universally easy to use.
If you have accessed Facebook in the past then you shouldn’t face issues in using this new social networking business website.
Workplace by Facebook also contains the News Feed section which is the primary hub of the tool. It enables the user to establish one-to-one video calls as well as instant messages through the Work Chat feature of the system.
In addition, there is also a facility where you can set up your own department and/or project-based groups for centralized communication. Hence, you can collaborate with anyone at any time through Workplace.
In addition, Workplace enables users to share images, presentations, and files within its platform.

Using it in combination with BlueJeans (video conferencing software) enables you to join any meeting through your phone, tablet or laptop.
Workplace by Facebook is a vast platform that is proving its value in every type of business. If you haven’t started using the platform yet, now is the best time to do so.