Recruiting UK

Hiring fast, easy and effectively!

Reach millions of great candidates quickly with UK’s best Job Posting services

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We provide to expand your ability to reach vacancies with our large interconnected network.

  • Low Cost Job Posting

    Take care of your budged with the Low cost posting!

    You pay a fee of £98 per post, or even less by buying a package or FLAT solution! For more info Take a look at the Prices

  • Your Brand

    You can create your own public profile with short a presentation of your company and logo!

  • Professional Dashboard

    With our professional &amp; customized dashboard, you can easily post job vacancies, receive CV’s and save your favourite candidates!

  • Start right now with 3 easy steps!

    1. Register your company under Euspert

    2. Wait for approval status and buy credits

    3. Post your Jobs and receive unlimited CVs.

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Pricing Table

After your 2 Free Jobs you can buy job Posting for the following Low Cost price

1 Job Post
  • 30 days Job Posting on Euspert


Attract unlimited CV’s from active candidates

10 jobs
  • 10 for 30 days Job Posting on Euspert
  • only pay for 7 jobs


(you have 12 months time to post your jobs)

Get a quote

    Contact Us

    If you need more than 10 jobs or a Flat solution, contact us:

    [email protected]


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    – Terms and Conditions
    – FAQ and Contact

    Made (with love) in EU

    VAT: 2023373429
