Why should I hire you? 5 top qualities that give a boost to job seekers

The introduction to this article is a simple question. If you were an employer, what would you seek in a person applying for a job offering? Thinking about the answer to this question can further introduce you into the employer’s psychology.

#1 – When you apply for a job, you are actually asking for the permission to join a large group of people, in other words a professional “family”. The first sign you must give in order to be accepted is honesty. Be straightforward about your skills and weaknesses. Of course I am not suggesting modesty, neither arrogance Present your success stories in a coherent and realistic manner. Admit your difficulties and show willingness to improve them.


#2 – The next quality highly appreciated by potential employers is vigour. Let’s admit it. No one wants a passive and lazy employee, so do not show up like you are one. Be energetic and willing, make eye contact and smile, give a warm handshake and never accuse your former employers. Your first contact with a person, if you want to earn their acceptance and grasp their interest, should be characterized by optimism, cleverness and kindness. Always maintain a positive attitude. One further thing to consider is that employers always are attracted to people that are polypragmon in their personal life’s. Of course, scuba diving and attending cooking lessons may be completely irrelevant to the position requirements, but they show a vivid person that likes to enjoy every small thing life has to offer and has an inner tendency for learning. And this is not irrelevant at all.

#3 – Also, during the interview and especially if it holds the key to an important position, it is very possible to be anxious. However, you must not let negative feelings get in your way. Besides, confidence is also a quality that employers welcome in a candidate. Confidence shows to the employer that you accept yourself, you believe in your skills and you are proud of your accomplishments. It gives the other person a reason to believe in you and offer you the opportunity. On the other hand, a terrified person seems to lack the qualifications. If you are shaking in the idea of presenting yourself, then the employer thinks that maybe you do not have something important to say.

#4 – Also, anxiety is a bad attribute in another way. Your employer seeks for a versatile and adaptive person that will be able to adapt to the company’s rules, environment and regulation the soonest possible, so that they will be able to proceed to a fully productive phase. If you look like a fish out of water, then you give the impression of a person that cannot adapt easily to a demanding environment.

#5 – The last personal quality that I am going to stress in this article is a great eye for detail. Employers will surely appreciate a person that can make a difference in the company offering an extra helping hand in improving the shortcomings. You must be attentive and watch for the small details that can enhance every project and prevent things that may compromise your employer’s achievements. Saving him/her is giving you the advantage. Do you want to show a great eye for detail to your potential employers? Never be late for an interview and go for a meticulous appearance.