Author: Dara Sheahan

Dara Sheahan is an experienced writer and language teacher from Dublin, who has taught in colleges and universities in Ireland and South Korea. Now a freelance educator and blogger, he has a passion for all things related to education, travel, and entrepreneurship.

Live and Work in Germany: Alles Ist Gut! (It’s All Good!)

Willing to find a job in Germany? Find out what are the most in demand jobs, necessary paperwork or what's the cost of living in Germany

Live and Work in Fantastic Finland!

What jobs are currently in demand in Finland?

The Most In-Demand Student Jobs in the UK and Where to Find Them

With the ever-increasing costs of tuition, accommodation, books, and entertainment, student life in the UK can be tough. That’s not to mention the increased expectations of a highly competitive job market after you graduate. You may be thinking of taking on a part-time or summer job to help cover the costs – or an internship to help strengthen your CV. But what kind of work can you expect to find? How much money can you earn? What kind of experience should you hope to get? And what are the best websites for finding the right student job for you? In-Demand Student Jobs in the UK Some positions are seen by employers as ideal for students – and for good reason. Here is a list of some of the best jobs for students in the UK: #Bar/Restaurant Staff There are a number of reasons why working in a bar or restaurant ...

The Best Cities in the UK to Live and Work

Many people planning to live and work in the UK dream of a life in London. While the metropolitan capital offers a wealth of job opportunities and cultural attractions, it’s far from the only option. In fact, London ranks just 36th out of 39 UK cities in the 2016 Demos-PwC Good Growth for Cities Index. These findings are important as the factors measured in the report include job security, average salary, work-life balance, affordable housing, and quality of transportation. With these factors in mind, what cities should you consider before you make the big move to the UK? 1. Reading/Bracknell Topping the Good Growth for Cities Index, Reading/Bracknell is an excellent location for UK jobseekers. Situated just 30 miles west of central London, Reading and Bracknell are actually two large neighbouring towns with a combined population of approximately 300,000. Reading’s average salary of £32,292 is the third-highest in the country, according to ...

Reasons to Live and Work in Ireland

Famed for its rugged beauty, welcoming people, and lively pubs, Ireland is a wonderful place to live and work – if you can handle the weather! Yes, “the Emerald Isle” has cool summers, mild winters, and year-round rain, but it also boasts a varied modern economy, high wages, and a bustling nightlife. This friendly English-speaking nation offers excellent employment opportunities, cosmopolitan cities, and stunning natural hotspots. If you’re thinking of moving abroad, it’s well worth your consideration. How is the Irish economy performing? The Irish economy took an enormous hit when the 2008 global financial crisis struck, but the recovery is well on its way. In fact, over the past 3 years, Ireland has had the fastest growing economy in Europe. The overall unadjusted unemployment rate decreased from 6.1% to 5.4% over the year to Q4 2018. There was an annual increase of 6.7 percent in Real GDP in 2018, ...