How to Ensure Success When Opportunity Knocks

Are you aiming high to climb the ladder of success? Landing an interview is a great step in the right direction, but turning that opportunity into your dream job requires preparation. Here is how to make the most of your chance to impress interviewers and snag the position you deserve.

Getting your foot in the door

What if the position you’re dreaming of isn’t open right now, or you aren’t quite qualified for it? Bear in mind sometimes the best route isn’t the most direct one. As WorkItDaily suggests, you can always apply for a position that isn’t exactly what you want and then work your way toward your objective. Some companies will train you in-house, especially once you demonstrate your sincerity and abilities. It’s also a great option if you know you want to be a part of a particular organization but aren’t sure what role would fit you best. It can’t hurt to take a career quiz to help you decide if you’re moving in the right direction.

Another suggestion is to reach out to the powers that be for an informal interview. Do some digging into the company’s website and social media pages, create a list of questions, and engage with someone in the department you hope to be part of, or in a role which could provide influence and information. It’s a great way to become familiar with the culture within and see if you will be a good fit. When you secure a meeting, you don’t need to dress for the event as you would for a formal interview, but be forewarned, just because your interview would be described as “informal,” you shouldn’t dress too comfortably.

Finding the right avenue

Sometimes job hunters know exactly what they want to do for a living but don’t have a company in mind. If you find yourself in the position of needing a road map to your destination, there are several ways to find companies that might be just the ticket. One idea is to use your connections to directly approach companies. Do some networking via social media sites like LinkedIn, and reach out to people you know who might have contacts. You can also approach companies which sell products or services similar to what you seek, or to their suppliers. Be prepared to explain why you are valuable and what drives you to pursue the direction you’re taking.

Go big or go … small?

There are pros and cons to everything, and if your expectation is to move around, you should take into account company size. Bigger companies tend to provide better benefits and might offer ongoing education, while smaller companies generally require employees to take on a variety of duties, so you’ll expand your skills in that way. In a smaller crowd you have a better chance of catching the eye of your superiors with diligence and good work, but opportunities for advancement might be more limited. Larger workforce mean more peers and more competition, so consider connecting with a mentor to move up or around in a big company.

Well begun is half done

When it comes to job interviews, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Many people are intimidated by the interview phase of job hunting, but with the right preparation, you can tackle your big day with the right amount of confidence to catch your interviewer’s attention. In the days leading up to your interview, it’s important to educate yourself. Read up on common interview questions related to your industry, contemplate what sort of inquiries you should make, and research relevant topics so you can talk about pertinent issues. Bring along copies of your resume, your portfolio and references so you can supply them if requested. And definitely be sure you dress appropriately, which typically is one level more formal than what you would expect to wear to work.

When looking to land your dream job, it’s important to make the most of your opportunities. Prepare accordingly and impress the right people. With your diligence, you are sure to be awarded with success!