Talk to your Doctor online with Klik Klinik!

Discover Klik Klinik, the online platform where you can have your health problems checked simply and efficiently without the need for a personal visit to a specialist.


Thanks to travel, traffic, queues, and waiting rooms, a quick trip to the doctor often ends up taking much longer than expected. Frequently, a personal visit to the doctor’s office is not even necessary – a simple call could suffice. A lot of time and energy is thus wasted.

With this in mind, a startup from Slovakia called Klik Klinik has created an interactive website which allows people to consult medical specialists in a fast and simple way. At Web Summit 2016, we had the opportunity to talk to Andrej Blanarik, the founder of Klik Klinik. We asked him to share more information about this project, his expectations, and his experience regarding the support offered by Slovakia, where the business is located, toward new startups.

Helena: Who is your service targeting?

Andrej: Our website is primarily serving as a communication channel between medical professionals and patients. Our users are thus people who are looking for answers to their problems online but would like to talk to professionals instead of just searching for information. Doctors have the ability to make their services more accessible to their existing patients and facilitate the communication.







Helena: What are the main advantages of your project?

Andrej: The system has been designed to be universal, and it can be used in a whole series of solutions in healthcare. We provide security which is comparable to that used in internet banking, where the communication has to be discreet and secure.

Helena: How long have you been on the market?

Andrej: We’ve been on the market since 2012. Klik-Klinik is currently in its second phase.

Helena: What was the main reason for your attendance at the Websummit? Were you satisfied with the event?

Andrej: The main reason was the launch of the second phase, which is international. We wanted to introduce our product on an international level, gather contacts from around the world, listen to different opinions and get inspired by similar projects. Naturally, we were also looking for investors. Similar healthcare projects are financially very demanding compared to regular startups due to the complications associated with the implementation of such projects in a very conservative environment with additional requirements on security. We were very satisfied with the Web Summit. All of our expectations have been met.

Helena: What is your opinion about the business environment in Slovakia? Did the government offer you any support and if yes in what way?

Andrej: In Slovakia, as well as in other countries, healthcare reforms are being made along with progressive digitalization. With our project, we are trying to endorse such reforms and transform Slovakia into a modern country. We are working on a big project with the help of our government and the EU. A very similar project is currently underway in the United States, and we are very happy that we have the opportunity to launch a similar one in our country as well.

Helena: What is the main marketing strategy you use to promote your services?

logo-klikklinik-en-1Andrej: During the entire year of 2014 in Slovakia we had campaigned in different types of media – television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, directly in hospitals and of course on the internet. In the following years, we plan to communicate the project mainly online and partially in print media. We will advertise the international version mainly on the internet.

We thank Andrej for sharing with us his experiences and point of view, and wish Klik Klinik every success in the future.