10 Coolest Ideas for Earning Money While You Travel

10 Tips for earning while traveling

travel job

We all want to see the world, but even budget backpacking can end up costing an arm and a leg. Flights, trains, buses, accommodation, food… it all adds up. Short of winning the lottery, there’s not much you can do about it, though, right? Wrong!

 Check out this list of the top 10 ways to earn money while you travel:

1. Hostel Worker

hostel worker

Hostel work is one of the best ways of lowering your travel costs. There are countless hostels dotted around the world offering a variety of positions – from desk worker and cleaner to events manager and tour guide.

Most “volunteer” positions only offer free accommodation and food — but it’s still a great way to stretch out your savings, extend your time on the road, and meet people from new cultures! Check out hosteljobs.net and hosteltraveljobs.com for the latest offers.

2. English Teacher

English teacher

Teaching English is big business, and every city in the world will offer a variety of English teaching positions. It is important to note that many countries require certification (the one-month CELTA training course is recommended), but the investment is worth it. For instance, many globetrotters take a year to teach in Japan or South Korea, giving them the chance to immerse themselves in the local culture – and save up enough money to see the rest of Asia. For the latest job opportunities head on over to eslcafe.com or tefl.com.

3. Travel Photographer

Travel PhotographerTravel photography has the potential to turn wanderlust into a lifelong career. It’s a hard industry to break into, but perseverance and a strong portfolio can make your dreams come true. Earn money as you build your portfolio by setting up a contributor account with Shutterstock, 123rf, Dreamstime, BigStock, or Fotolia.

Fancy a career as a blogger, editor, designer, or web editor? There is huge demand for freelance work online, and it is a job that offers location independence like no other. Interested in finding out what’s available? Here are some great places to start: Upwork, Freelancer, 99Designs, and Fiverr.

5. Au Pair

Baby sitterLove kids? Want to immerse yourself in a foreign culture? Au pairing offers the chance to really get to know an area, culture, and local family.

It’s also ideal for those who want to master a foreign language. Find a wealth of opportunities at Au Pair World.

 6. Become an Instructor

Sport instructor

English teaching not for you?

It’s not the only thing you can teach! If you have taken the time to develop a skill, you can be sure that there are other people around the world who want to do it, too.

Resorts and cruises are often crying out for yoga, swimming, and fitness instructors. So, why not let your talent be your ticket to see the world!

7. House-Sitter / Pet-Sitter

Dog sitter

One of the biggest issues with travel is the cost of accommodation. One great solution is to house-sit – to take care of someone’s house while they are on holiday. This often involves some pet-sitting, too, so it’s a great opportunity for animal lovers! People won’t leave their house to just anyone, so they turn to trusted websites like TrustedHouseSitters.com or MindMyHouse.com. Although these sites have small annual fees, over time they can save you thousands in accommodation costs.

 8. Busker


If you’ve got some musical talent and a passion for entertaining, busking can be a great way to pick up some extra cash on your travels.

An English set-list goes down well in most countries — as does classical music.

But before you set up on a street corner, make sure to check the local laws online – many areas require a busking license or have other restrictions related to when and where you can play.

9. Model

modelEver thought of being a model? No, seriously – you can do it! Even your plain-looking author was offered modelling opportunities during his time in Asia!

With year-round opportunities often offering payment, free travel, and accommodation, modelling can be a great way to see the world. For more details, check out this fantastic guide from About.com.

10. Bollywood Actor


Planning on travelling to Mumbai? Want to be an extra in a Bollywood movie? OK, maybe it’s not the best money in the world, but you’ll get free food, about $8 a day, and probably the best travel story among all of your friends!

And who knows, if you do a good job, you might one day find yourself shaking it with Salman Khan on the big screen! Here’s a handy guide on how to get your first role.

Know of any more awesome travel jobs? Let us know in our Facebook Page!