Cultural Mediator in the USA– Bridging The Relationship Between Two Countries

Cultural Mediator is an adult immigrant who is qualified and trained to act as the representative of his own culture at schools, day care centres and educational institutions in the USA. He aims at bridging the differences between the people of various cultures and brings them closer. He plays a crucial role in facilitating a good level of understanding and initiates a comfortable level of conversation with the students and families who are aware of other language except English. In short, he serves as a connecting link between the English culture and the child’s culture in a very professional way.

The mediator is well versed in English and other languages and possesses a solid back ground in cultural competence. The nature of his task is to interpret about the various rules, regulations, proceedings, programs, instructions, recommendations of the school to the student and his family. On the other hands he also conveys the details about the back ground of the family, history, dynamics of the family, details of past students in the family and their concerns to the authorities of the school. This way, he ensures all the doubts of the students and the educational institution located at the US are cleared.
This way the mediator tries to incorporate an advanced level of understanding, exchange information, share details and supports good amount of relationship to offer a good level of education to the people of various cultures. This is achieved as he tries to translate both the languages of the parties involved.
To become a successful Cultural Mediator one should have a strong educational background, have an expertise in child development, have a thorough understanding about SPED policy and procedures and should be certified by the Independent Standards Commission of International Mediation Institute or IMI. This is acquired only when he satisfies the competency levels that are inter cultural in nature whether he is English or belongs to other countries such as European Union. Only then he is eligible for practice around the world.
Mediators are highly helpful as they are respectable, they represent a community as a whole, have a thorough understanding of the culture and language of the students he might be dealing with, highly proficient in oral and written levels of English, open to discuss at any time, willing to take responsibility, has the ability to maintain confidentiality, has a pleasant character that are liked by the students and their family and well versed in interpersonal skills.
This is very essential for a Cultural Mediator to be successful as his presence is vital during all meetings, testing, instruction, observations, social services, psychological services, support services and health services rendered by the school to their students. This is because translation for documents, letters, information, brochures and tests should be done by the mediator. His services can be availed through various public organisations in the US such as hospitals, clinics, schools, county agencies, migrating health centres, registry colleges with mediators, universities and at community organisations at US such as churches and other such organisations. The average pay scale of the mediator is 65.000$ per year.