Author: Helena Hagan

I'm a professional blogger and journalist with an extensive experience in HR, co-founder of, and During my career I have also acquired experience in different fields working as a trade manager, responsible for logistics and event organizer. As a polyglot fluent in seven languages I had the opportunity to work as an interpreter and translator for important companies around the world.

Google certifications – how to get them and how it will help to your career

What are the best ways to promote your Google certificate? 

Create your Career as a Social Media Manager

Who is a Social Media Manager and What is their Role?

Foreign students in the USA – A handy guide on how choose the right college in the US

Are you thinking of studying in the USA? Here are some helpful tips for you!

How to cope with a bad mood at work and talk about it

If you have a problem and you can't find a solution, don’t be afraid ask for help!

How to Mention Fun Facts About Yourself in a Job Search

In a job interview, your potential employer will not just want to hear things they already read on your resume. They will also want to understand what kind of person you are. The best way to demonstrate your character and personality is by mentioning some of your fun facts in interview. It is not always easy to tell your potential employer some of these stories. This guide should help you mention your fun facts in job search interview. 1. Try to Represent the Values Your Company is Looking For Not all fun facts in interview should be mentioned. Some can haunt you later as you work in the company. The most important fun facts are those that are related to the job you are about to get. One of the most important qualities to demonstrate in these facts is your ability to work with other people. Almost all jobs require ...

How to use Facebook Workplace

Have you heard about Workplace by Facebook?