Category: Psychology

Importance of Personality Test during Job Interview

Personality test can be described as a test of your career which is directed towards explaining the aspects of an individual’s character which remains stable in different situations.

Lying on Your Resume, is a Bad Idea or a good idea?

If you’ve been called for an interview, then the chances are quite high that the employers have already decided to hire you based on the information furnished in your resume. What if you lied by presenting inaccurate information? As per a recent estimate, people lie while submitting job applications. They make changes in their employment dates to hide the gaps that exist in their employment. They even claim to possess experiences which do not live up to the scrutiny. Many people claim to have finished degrees and training which they only commenced and never completed. Many people falsify military service, salary history and job titles. People resort to lying because they are scared that they wouldn’t be hired. Lying on resume about qualifications would only harm people in the long run. You would end up getting fired as soon as your lying is figured out. Few companies verify the employment ...

CV hint: Problem Solving Skill

Have you ever wondered what makes an employer hire you? Apparently, this decision is not taken out of the blue and it depends much less than you imagine on your hairstyle. Usually, when a company is seeking to staff their uncovered positions, the eligible candidates must fulfill their requirements. Certain qualifications, language proficiency, degrees and certificates are things that matter significantly in the area of job seeking. But, do you know what really matters? Problem solving ability. (more…)

5 Worst Interview Answers and How to Improve Them

Facing an interview is a daunting prospect to most people. Even for someone who has given interviews in the past, a new one can be intimidating. Come to think of it, every interview is different, but there are some common patterns in all of them. You have to only keep them in mind. For instance, here are a few responses that you should never give at an interview. Read on. #1 Question: Tell us something about yourself. Answer to avoid: Any answer with lots of personal details. The interviewers do not want to know how and where you spent your childhood. They do not want to know about your schooling either, except for maybe your performance in the final year. Also, avoid telling them about that Spelling Bee you won in Grade 6. What they really need to know, instead, is how you are a good fit for the job ...

How To Impress Your Boss At Work

It is very necessary and prime that you should make sure to make a very good impression when you are in the corporate world. For this you need to impress your boss first. If you are successful in doing this, your boss would surely have confidence in you that you would take up more responsibilities and would give you the right amount of authority to take up different kinds of tasks. Impressing your boss at work would in turn help you be successful in your career by gaining promotions at the right and such other benefits like good bonus, increment etc. Below mentioned are a few points that should be kept in mind which would help you impress your boss. (more…)