Category: Psychology

Improve the Quality of Speaking Voice

The value of what we say often depends not just on the meaning, but on the power of our voice. Have you ever tried to explain a new project, convince your partner, colleague or boss about the benefits it can bring?But they just turn their backs on you and you remain there alone talking to the wall. You have a really good idea or important information to tell but nobody is listening to you!                                                                                                 Don't worry, the problem is not in what you are saying but how! Maybe they just don't hear you! (more…)

How to Improve Communication Skills and Get to the Point?

All of us have been preoccupied at a certain moment with improving communication skills. The truth is that communicating information is not in the least easy, as it depends a lot on the auditorium. In fact, you should be able to tailor your technique on the expectations, expertise and character of those who are sitting in front of you. (more…)

How to Overcome Anxiety at Work?

Anxiety is a general term attributed to some disorders that make your fear and nervousness get out of control and affect your life. The disorders that are part of this group named “anxiety” have different causes and manifest themselves through different symptoms and signs. Specialists have determined the causes of these disorders and consider that the most common are biochemical related, meaning that the chemicals from the brain that are responsible for controlling physical reactions and feelings can suffer an imbalance or are related to a certain event that was extremely stressful or have a genetic characteristic. (more…)

Five things not to say in a Job Interview

Succeeding at an interview is the most important thing of all to get a job. The article states five things that you should certainly avoid saying in the interview room to improve your chances of getting a job. To any person, appearing for a job interview and presenting their resume in a proper fashion, is a crucial step to ascertain that they get the vacant position. However, to do so, you must be absolutely impeccable as far as your presentation and interview is concerned. When talking about a job interview, most of the blunders are created because of this one-to-one interaction. The employer over here tries to adjudge your capabilities and thus, the great amount of blunder is created as you want to appease them. There are no failsafe ways to crack any single interview but there are ways to improve it. Listed below are five essential things you should ...

Job Interview First Impressions – The Fuzzy blue Slippers!

You have an interview for the career opportunity of your dreams. Energy and excitement pulse through you as you push open the door to the lobby of your future company. Moments later, you are shaking hands with your prospective employer who invites you to be seated. As you wait for the first interview question, you glance down and discover that you are not wearing your well-polished business shoes but your favourite fuzzy blue slippers. A scream of horror rises in your throat. The average first impression is made in less than 15 seconds but it may be the only impression that influences the outcome of your interview. Will your interviewer remember how well you grasped the complex issues and opportunities of the job? Or will the only thing to survive the interview be his (or her) unfavourable impression of your fuzzy blue slippers?   Dressing appropriately for a job interview ...

Gender Gap in Employment and Salary In EU

In recent year’s world has been hit by major economic crisis which has been termed as Recession. The great economic slowdown which started in US in 2007 also affected several other countries. European Union was also affected. Some of the countries of European Union also saw a second phase of recession. Due to the global crisis many people lost their jobs during this period. In many places salaries were slashed. Although the recession is over it is warned that the crisis still continues. The Euro-zone GDP is 3% below that in year 2007/2008. The Greek economy has decreased by 23%, Ireland by 8%, Portugal by 8%, Spain by 8% and Italy by 9%. The unemployment rate in Euro-zone is 12%. The unemployment rate in different nations of European Union is Greece 28%, Ireland 14%, Portugal 17%, Spain 26% and Italy 14%. The percentage of youth who are unemployed is also ...