Category: News

Russia blocks LinkedIn, here is a letter sent by the professional social network to its users

Linkedin in Russia has more than 6.000.000 users but these days Roskomnadzor, a Russian Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications has confirmed a recent statement: it ordered Russian providers to block a domain, making it inaccessible on all devices in the Russian territory. Why is Russia blocking Linkedin? A Russian law (fairly recent, having been enacted in 2014) states, that the data of Russian citizens should be treated on servers physically located in Russian territory. LinkedIn doesn't respect it and continues to manage user data in Dublin in Ireland (the data controller for all concerned outside the US) on mainly Americans server. In the same situation are other giants such as Facebook and Twitter, while Google and other 1500 international companies (according to the Russian government statements) have respected it. What happens now? LinkedIn has lodged an appeal but it was ...

What Does Brexit Mean for EU Citizens?

How will Brexit affect EU citizens?

6 Tips for Nailing an Interview & Conquering Your Nerves

Interviews are the most stressful and horrific experience for some people which makes them lose out on their dream jobs only because they were unable to keep a tab on their nerves. If you are one of those who get manipulated by the jitters and surrender in front of your nerves, then this article for all you folks. It’s important to accept that nervousness is a natural feeling before any important event in life, even before and during interviews. (more…)

Job-Situation in Europa für Menschen über 40

In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Beschäftigungsszenario zugunsten älterer Bewerber gewendet, die neue Jobs suchen. Die Situation in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten war ziemlich düster, aber das hat sich nun vor allem in Europa signifikant verbessert. Verschiedene Publikationen haben Statistiken über die Verbesserung der Arbeitsplatzsituation für Menschen über 40 in Europa veröffentlicht. Es gibt einige allgemeine Gründe, über die gesprochen wurde. Dies könnte eine ermutigende Nachricht für Sie sein, wenn Sie auch über 40 sind und einen Jobwechsel oder vielleicht sogar einen Karrierewechsel planen. Also, warum verbessert sich die berufliche Situation? Dies sind die Gründe, über die gesprochen wurde. Die aktuelle Generation 40 ist technisch versiert. Menschen, die vor zwei Jahrzehnten 40 geworden sind, sind nicht mit einem Computer aufgewachsen. Für sie war der plötzliche Einbruch der digitalen Technologie zu schwer aufzunehmen. Aber die Menschen 40+ der heutigen Generation wuchsen mit Computern und dem Internet in den 90er Jahren ...

Unemployment in the EU regions Unemployment rates fell in the majority of the EU regions in 2014

Rates ranged from 2.5% in Praha and Oberbayern to 34.8% in Andalucía Just over half of the NUTS 2 regions1 of the European Union (EU) recorded a decrease of at least 0.5 percentage points5 in their regional unemployment rate3 in 2014 compared with 2013. However, regional unemployment rates continued to vary widely across the EU regions in 2014, with the lowest rates recorded in the regions of Praha in the Czech Republic and Oberbayern in Germany (both 2.5%), followed by Tübingen, Oberpfalz, Niederbayern and Unterfranken (all situated in Germany and all below 3.0%). At the opposite end of the scale, the highest unemployment rates were registered in five Spanish regions: Andalucía (34.8%), Canarias (32.4%), Ceuta (31.9%), Extremadura (29.8%) and Castilla-la Mancha (29.0%). These data3 on regional unemployment, compiled on the basis of the EU Labour Force Survey, are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. A dedicated ...

How to Overcome Anxiety at Work?

Anxiety is a general term attributed to some disorders that make your fear and nervousness get out of control and affect your life. The disorders that are part of this group named “anxiety” have different causes and manifest themselves through different symptoms and signs. Specialists have determined the causes of these disorders and consider that the most common are biochemical related, meaning that the chemicals from the brain that are responsible for controlling physical reactions and feelings can suffer an imbalance or are related to a certain event that was extremely stressful or have a genetic characteristic. (more…)